Monday, November 2, 2009


Seventeen minutes into the movie, Nanny Diaries, this afternoon and I had to stop and look around. I was literally being swallowed by a pile of laundry waiting to be folded on the couch. Supermom I am not. So when I reached base camp of Mt. Big Girl Panties, I stopped to take a breather. I am hopeful I will reach the summit before it gets dark. From my vantage point, I could see five dirty dishes (coffee cups, cereal bowls, etc) that needed to be carried upstairs and washed. And there was that mysterious smell in the kids' room I keep forgetting I need to investigate. I always notice it when I go in there in the middle of the night to resettle Jack. And then I don't notice it in the morning--probably because I'm sleep walking at 6:00 AM from having to resettle Jack all night. Anthony always helpfully suggests things from his side of the bed like, "Turn the monitor off and sleep--they'll be fine."

What a girl really wants to hear is "You stay in bed--I'll go take care of it."

But really, when daddies watch kids...

Stuff happens.

At least I'm not having to drive to work every day in the rush hour traffic.


Abbie said...

I think that is the funniest thing I have read in my entire life. I especially liked the Prince Charming and the crayola'd baby.

Mark Phillips said...

Turn the monitor off and sleep--they'll be fine