Monday, November 3, 2008

Life in General

The days around here continue to blend one into the next. Especially since the time change. I am at a distinct disadvantage because I am tired a lot of the time these days. And I am supposed to stay up later so I don't get up at 4 in the morning. But last night, I could only make it to 9:00, and I woke up at 4:30. So I am going to try for 9:30 tonight. Wish me luck!

The Lord has truly blessed some of my time with Tessa lately. We have shared some very special and heart warming moments together. I am very glad for that since I will be less able to focus on just her in the near future. Just yesterday, she came over to the kitchen table where I was reading a book, and climbed up in one of the chairs. I could sense she was staring at me, so I looked up at her and she smiled really big. I said, "What are you smiling at?" and she said "I'm lovin" (which means "I love you"). I was charmed and scooped her into my lap for a hug and kiss. She snuggled against my huge belly, and we contentedly chatted together. At one point, she looked outside at the trees blowing in the wind and said, "Trees are laughing." It was an enchanting description of the bright yellow trees dancing in the wind.

Today, we got home and all Tessa wanted to do was "paint a princa picture". This activity usually gives me about 20 minutes of quiet time until Tessa's artistic expressions begin to travel outside of the box. Sometimes I just let her go with it as long as she doesn't eat the paint.


Cindy said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! i miss you guys so much!!! this is so precious and the pictures are wonderful! great memories.

Melanie said...

That is sweet. I am still a little nervous to let the boys paint together indoors.

Abbie said...

I love that you let her be a free spirit with her artistic expression! So cute. The trees laughing is so great. I can't wait till Luke can talk more so I can hear what he has to say. What a sweet moment for you before the baby comes. Oh, and tell Anthony thanks for his enthusiasm! :)