Friday, November 14, 2008

Disney Princess Makeover

We got a book from the library a few months ago that had all of the Disney princess stories in it. I know there are a lot of mothers out there that cringe at the whole Disney Princess thing. I really never thought it would stick in Tessa's head so well. I guess it is reinforced over and over again whenever we walk into any store and see all of the Disney Princess products on display. Like, the Safeway has Campbell's chicken noodle soup with the noodles in Disney Princess shapes. And Tessa has such an eye for these things! She can pick a head shot of Ariel out of a million Disney characters in seconds. She is just all about everything princess right now. And no, we don't discourage it. Mostly because she is 2 1/2 and very cute when she pretends to be a princess. Groan all you want! My most favorite part of this whole fascination with princesses, is that Tessa will call her Daddy a Prince and ask him to dance with her. They will get up and dance around the living room or kitchen. And she always has this cute smile on her face. My second favorite part about the princess phase is the names she calls each princess. Here are a few of my favorites:

Princess = Princa (prince - ah)

Belle = Bale

Beast = Peas

Ariel = Arrow

Snow White = Nose White

Sleeping Beauty = Slippin' Booty (my personal favorite)

Cinderella = Cinarera

I was driving Tessa to school the other day when the light for our turning lane turned green. The woman in front of me didn't notice the change, so I said--rather impatiently (HUGE SHOCKER)--"Green Arrow"! Tessa was listening in the back seat and said, "No, Mommy! It's a RED Arrow". It took me a minute to realize that she was referring to Ariel and her red hair. And I had to concede the point.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

I love Bale and Peas but Slippin Booty takes the cake by far- you are right. I'm glad you let her do the princess thing. What a bummer if she had to feel so-so guilty about liking that stuff! It's so in her nature! :) Cute post.