Thursday, April 24, 2008

When There is A Queen...And You're Not IT

Tessa has been very challenging this week. She seems even more independant than usual. The smallest things have to be done her way. Like getting in the car seat. I made the fatal mistake of putting her in the car seat rather than let her climb in herself. Now don't get me wrong, I love not having to heave that child in and out of that seat, but it takes her quite a while to get in the thing because she dawdles.

She has decided that she can use chairs as her personal step ladder to mischief around the house. I found this out when she came up and drew on my pants with a pen she used to not be able to reach and then ran off. I "confiscated" the pen and checked her other two favorite drawing places. Yep, there were incriminating swirls on her tummy AND the kitchen table. At least her height-challenged escapades all begin with the tell-tale sound of a chair scraping across the floor.

She also found a zip lock bag full of various sized rubber bands in a kitchen drawer. I scolded her for getting in the drawer and made her pick up every rubberband and put them back in the bag. She had left a trail around the house. A few minutes later, while I was folding laundry upstairs, I noticed it was quiet. That is never good. I looked over the balcony to see Tessa with the bag of rubber bands out again. She didn't know I could see her. So I said, "What are you doing?" and without even looking up she threw her body over the evidence and said, "I put back!"

And all I can think is, "Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh..."

1 comment:

Melanie said...

That's great. It is funny to watch kids and their reactions when you catch them in mischief. Nathan still jumps, Brett looks at me wants to know what I am going to do about it.