Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Actually, trunk or treat was moved inside the church building because of weather, so it was mostly "Table or Treat" and occasionally "Chair or Treat". Same rules applied. Get as much candy as you can. And it was fun to see the kids in their costumes. Most of us dressed our daughters up as cats or princesses and our boys as super heroes. But there were a few surprises. Like little Luke was a sock monkey. And I saw one girl in pink and turquoise camo with "Major Trouble" embroidered on the chest. One mom came with a printout of one of her sons' heads as a mask wearing a sign saying he was home with strep and would you please give him some candy. Now that's a cool mom. And hey, at least that kid was sick unlike when Anthony gave up trick or treating in order to watch Buck Rogers. Needless to say, his parents didn't wear his face on their heads.

Tessa begged to go to the store to buy a princess costume. I guess she was tired of being a cat. Jack was Charlie Brown, obviously. You wouldn't believe how many kids came up to us to ask who he was. Tessa was telling some of them because she was watching the Great Pumpkin movie earlier today.

When we got there, all she did was covet other girl's princess costumes. She even forced them to stand in pictures with her. You can tell Cinderella here was NOT thrilled by this. And Tessa's smile says something--is it guilty?mischievous?

Jack is going: Where's the pumpkins full of chocolate flavored formula?
My super hot man with the kids:
And then we tried to get a picture of the kids with me. Here is what we have about 5 different shots of:

And finally, we settled for a perturbed kitty cat and a befuddled Charlie Brown.

Have a Happy Halloween!

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