Monday, October 5, 2009

Double Down

No bread for buns. Two slabs of fried chicken instead. Swiss and Pepper Jack Cheese, the Colonel's sauce, and bacon. It's called a Double Down and it is being marketed in the Northeast. Is your mouth watering? Naturally.
Let's see just how far we can take our gluttony and just launch American obesity into the stratosphere. The CEO of KFC, Roger Eaton, has one major difference with drug dealers: what he sells is legal. And let's face it--food is a drug here. As much as movies like Super Size Me tried to implicate the fast food companies, I think the real blame lies with each individual person who is out of control.
Still, who came up with this sandwich? Do people just sit around and try to come up with the most fat and calorie ridden products possible? Is it just me, or has food prepared in restaurants just gotten worse and worse?
I am currently on a diet. I know, bad word. Still, I am amazed at what is OK to eat on a regular basis. Not much. Even things you think are healthy have tons of sodium or other hidden calories thrown in (i.e. Rotisserie Chickens from the grocery store, steamed veggies that come as sides in restaurants).
I would report nutritional information of the DD for a good laugh, I'm sure, but it isn't available yet. Until then, watch out out there.

1 comment:

Christina said...

On Jimmy Kimmel Live their guest described sitting next to a very large woman on a plane who was eating what he described, a "bucket of fried chicken." The woman turned to him and said, "this is the best fried chicken I have had today!" Yes, I think that implies we have a very big problem in America, and really-who would buy such a disgusting sandwich? That looks horrid!!!!