Well, the day is done just about. We had a fun one. I met a good friend at a park this morning and our kids ran off some energy. After that, everyone had lunch and then a long nap. Don't you just love pictures of babies sleeping? This afternoon, we put together a bike we got Tessa. We had been going around with her on her tricycle, but it was WAY too small. So we upgraded her. She was ecstatic. Usually, Tessa is very patient with how long it takes to sometimes put a toy together. She has always had a knack for finding something to occupy her time until we finish. This bike was just more than she could handle. Her little monster side came out several times during the hour and a half it took Anthony to assemble it. But, we were able to eventually unify girl and princess bike: The following video is just so funny. And don't worry, we stopped her in the end before she hit the street.
This next video clip just shows Tessa biking along. In the beginning you will hear a few loud motorcycles go by. Tessa comments on how those people were also riding bikes. We were practicing across the street in a cul-de-sac. At the end of the video, I had to stop Tessa from running into a parked car.
After the cycling was over, we went upstairs to take a bath. The kids played dolls together: And Tessa shared Ariel: And Jack tried to eat everything:
Yes, the music was pretty loud in the background. We have always rocked it to the oldies during bath time. I don't really remember how that tradition started. Be it the Beatles, Monkeys, or McCartney--we scrub a dub dub to it all.
For those of you I haven't told, Anthony and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last this last May. We had originally intended to go on a cruise, but it kinda fell apart when we had Jack. I know it's not impossible to be away from your baby while nursing for a week or so, but it's NOT something I wanted to do. So instead, we bought tickets to the best shows Denver had to offer for the rest of the year. One of those shows was Kooza by Cirque Du Soleil.
We went last night, and those performers never disappoint. It was so much fun. So funny, I was crying at times. There was one scene where a guy had a man from the audience come up on stage, and he proceeded to pick every pocket the guy had (he would show the audience each time he removed an item). He also removed the man's tie without him knowing it. I kid you not. It was hilarious. The poor guy was just returning to his seat when they called him back and he handed it all back. Even after the guy was aware his pockets had been picked, the performer was still able to pick a few of them again. I guess if I was up there, I would be a little distracted at standing in front of a packed crowd.
There was a man who danced with a woman while riding a unicycle. Sounds funny, but it was unreal how good he was.
Then there were these two guys who rode this two-wheel looking thing that rotated like a huge fan. Hard to describe. Anyway, there were a few moments that I was SURE they were going to fall and really get hurt. They were just flinging themselves through the air at impossible heights with no safety netting or wires or anything. It was stunning.
My favorite performance was by a man who built a tower out of chairs and had immense strength. It was breathtaking. Literally. I can't even use words to describe it. Sorry. Lucky me, I get to go again with a friend on Tuesday. Which is great because we missed the very first act. We forgot to get cash for parking. Oh, and I forgot my wallet. Oh, and Anthony doesn't have an ATM card. So we had to drive around for a while. Did you know that they stop asking for money at events around 15 minutes after the show starts? Yeah. We got into the lot for free because we were lame-o and forgot our cash. So for future engagements, if I was REALLY cheap....(sorry, I fell out of my chair with laughter).
As parents, we often get a front row seat to some of the best comedy in the world. Our kids. And especially our kids when they start talking. I am well aware of my own legacy of "things I said" when I was a kid. You know, the funny, embarrassing, clear truth that only kids speak. Like yesterday, for example. Tessa said (about a black woman she saw), "Hey look mommy! That princess is black and brown!". I hoped the "princess" part softened the statement somewhat. Today, Tessa walked up to me with a scarf on her head and said, "Hi mom!". At this point, she looked up at the ceiling and batted her eyelashes and put on a coy smile. I said, "Wow! You sure look pretty, Tessa." Her eyes got wide with excitement and she said, "I just got married! Here's my prince." She was gesturing to the empty air beside her. But anyone could see that her prince was there. Here she is in her wedding scarf.
Her prayers are probably my favorite conversations. She squeezes her eyes shut and rambles on about all that had happened to her that day. Tonight, she told Jesus that she wasn't tired yet, but it was dark outside. She asked him to make Bella and Casey sit down, and then she mentioned something about the moon having to sleep outside. Her prayer pretty much ended when she started telling Jesus how many princess gummies she ate that day. She was concentrating on showing him "three" with her fingers. This has been a hard trick for Tessa to pull off, and she usually looses all train of thought in the process.
Since we got back from Utah, the days have been flowing by. We've been busy with fun things, though. We took part in a meeting at the church building that was set up for feedback and thoughts concerning the direction our church should take. I've never been a part of something quite like that before. It was nice to hear what other people had been thinking and hoping. I hear we will be seeing some big changes soon. I have no idea what those changes will be, though.
I also started a book club. It's really fitting for me, actually. I love to read and am constantly reading 3 or 4 books at once. I also LOVE hanging out with friends. So I got a group of girls together and we have settled on our first book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo:
So far it is a very thought provoking and interesting read. And considering the wide range of religious backgrounds in the group, I am sure there will be a lot to talk about and think on. Yay! That is exactly what I had hoped for. That and making closer bonds with some of the women in my life. A worthy adventure.
We've also been to the doctor lately for Jack. Here's the thing. I am about to talk about his...ahem...privates. So skip to the next paragraph if you want to. It's strange, really. Jack's skin on his "little bottom" (as Tessa calls it) was trying to re-attach around the top of his, well, you know. They don't take as much off with the circumcision as they used to in our generation (thank you Priscilla for the info!). I guess it was causing trouble for men in the bedroom and so they changed their procedure. This can cause some trouble for the little guys that fall into Jack's category. Shall we say...robust? Anyway, I had to have my super handsome pediatrician expertly set it right. I SOOOO could have done what he did. I paid $20 for peace of mind. OK, and I got to see Dr. Krawcek. Whatever.
So, I have to say, before you watch this video, that this procedure happened AFTER Jack was making these sounds. Although, I think he has gotten louder and higher since that Dr.'s visit. (hahahaha).
Oh yeah, and Jack has two teeth! He got them about a week apart. I am posting a picture, but the second tooth is very faint. It is obvious now, but not so much when I took this shot.
That's food on his face. And boy does he love to eat! I should mention that he has dropped to the 60th percentile with weight according to our last doctor's visit. So my little tub-man is growing! Or shrinking. Whichever.
Tessa has been doing all things Tessa. She has been a terror and a wonderful example of why girls are so wonderful. All in the same day (sometimes in the same 10 minute stretch!). I am having to threaten her with time out constantly. It works 90% of the time. She almost always relents or does what she is told if you hang time out in the air over her head. We have a "responsibility chart" for her on the pantry door in the kitchen. She loves to mark off when she does things. One of the items is apologizing. I will pick her up to let her mark off "getting dressed" and she will lean her head on my shoulder and say, "I'm sorry, mommy" for no reason. It sounds exactly like it does when she is actually apologizing for something. Same intonation, same body language--everything. The girl is GOOD at manipulating.