Friday, October 24, 2008

A Big Scare

So I had a hard day yesterday. Around noon, I picked Tessa up to place her on the changing table and on the way up her leg bumped the railing on the side. It obviously hurt because she started to cry really hard. Then she started the "not breathing" cry she does when something really hurts. The difference this time was that she wasn't coming out of it. She was just not catching her breath. And she started to turn purple. Then her eyes rolled back in her head and she began to go limp. I became frantic. I sat her up and her head lolled to the side while her eyes were half open. She was still trying to get a breath! I stood her up and she took one short breath...and then another. Finally, she started breathing normally as she slowly came back around and resumed her crying. I had never been so scared in all my life.

Once it was all over, she was fine and went on to have a happy day. I, however, could not get the images out of my head. I spent the rest of the day spoiling her so she wouldn't cry. Of course, keeping a toddler from crying is like stopping the sun from setting. And (coincidentally) as the sun set, she fell pretty hard on her bottom. Fortunately, her crying didn't escalate beyond the normal. But I was on edge until it was over.

After calling the doctor and doing some googling, it turns out Tessa's episode was pretty normal. Well, as normal as freaking your mother out can be. However, I am pretty sure it will take me a little while to get back to "normal", myself.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Oh YIKES!!! Somehow I missed this post. That would totally freak me out. Well, maybe now if it happens I will be somewhat ready? Wow.