Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's OK?

Tonight, Tessa experienced her first thunderstorm. Well, OK. It wasn't her first exactly, but it was the first she really noticed. She was in the living room reading a book to her baby doll when a huge clap of thunder slammed the house. I have never seen a more scared little girl. She ran to me and clung to me. I picked her up and her little heart was thumping right out of her chest. So we sat together near the screen door to the porch and every time there was lightening, I would tell her to get ready for the loud sound called thunder. She would hear it and say, "Ohhhhh! It's OK?" and I would say, "Yeah, it's OK." After it was gone, she would still ask me every few minutes if it was OK. This went fine for a little while because I could always prepare Tessa for each round of thunder. But there was a sudden flash of lightening followed instantly by a huge blast of thunder. This one made us both jump. After that, she would bury her head in my neck and say (a little more frantically), "It's OK????" We spent some time talking about how God made the thunder and how it was just a sound. I also told her that Colorado thunder was NOTHING compared to Texas thunder. I don't think she was impressed at all.

When Anthony walked in the door from work, Tessa said, "Uh-oh!! Sound! It's OK?" I told Anthony that she needed to be assured that it was OK, so he told her everything was fine. Each reassurance, I would feel her body relax. It really reminded me of my walk with the Lord. Who has, by the way,already declared everything OK. But I still find myself often asking, "It's OK?"

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