It was supposed to snow today. So the Easter egg hunt at our church was inside. No grass and sunshine. Just lots of brown carpet and white walls. And on top of that--there were no hidden eggs. They were all just thrown on the floor. It was so uncool. Also, none of the candy was chocolate because one child was known to be allergic. So all we got were jolly ranchers and now and laters that Tessa can't eat anyway. But at least she got the hang of putting eggs in her bucket. So we can check off that box now, I guess.
That is cute and funny. They have glow in the dark eggs they should have used in the church building!
We have an easter egg hunt at our church outside but they have different easter egg hunts depending on the age of child. For children 1-3 they are just thrown on the ground outside near a playground. It is crazy all the eggs are gone in 30 seconds. You have to set your camera on multiple shots to hopefully get one shot in of your kid picking up an egg. Hope your easter gets better.
Where was this at? That doesn't look familiar to me. Hope ya'll are doing well. We miss hanging out with yous guys.
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