Monday, March 10, 2008

Crummy Coiffure Result of Diabolical Daylight Savings

The hair monster struck at our house with a vengeance today. I have not included my photo in keeping with the "non-offensive" rating of this blog. Trust me on that one. So after breakfast, I adorned my trusty baseball cap and drove my dazed toddler to "school". She has gotten pretty clever at school. She doesn't like for me to ever leave her anywhere, and lately when she approaches the door to the room she starts her school day, she valiantly (but vainly) tries to secure an escape. The funny part is, she tries something different every time. Today, she threw her lunch pail in some other kids cubby and ran for the stairs. I am sure she figured I would be so concerned about the lunch that I would forget the child. Once, a few weeks ago, she grabbed the pen parents use to sign their kids in with and ran for it. She isn't allowed to have pens at our house because she chooses to write on three things: the table, her stomach, my clothes. So I am sure she decided the acquired pen would trigger some sort of pursuit. OK, that actually did work.

So I left the building today hearing my firstborn scream "MOMO!!!" over and over. I keep telling her it's a good thing she's so cute.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

so i didn't know she is trying to escape from the Great Escape! and i just figured out that i can enlarge the photos. SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!