Monday, July 6, 2009

Depends Day!!

So that is what Tessa kept calling "Independence Day". Too funny. Hope yall had a great 4th. We had a blast with our friends, the Bradleys. Their youngest, Collin, is the object of Tessa's affection. She chased him up and down the football field the whole night. All you could see was her pink jacket as it flew by in the dark. She actually began the night terrified of the fireworks and the loud noises they made. She would not remove her hands from her ears for anything. She even chased Collin with them stuck to the sides of her head. But...eventually she mellowed out and got used to the popping sounds. Here are some pictures from the night:

Yes, it was very cold and breezy. Last year was pretty cold, too come to think of it. I love Colorado!!!

And just because I thought it was cute, check out this progression. Somethings never change.

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