Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I was kinda hoping to have my next post be a birth announcement. But it is taking FOREVER! I am sad to say, I am still pregnant. I still get approached about six times a day by total strangers wanting to know when my due date is. No one remembers how to talk to ME, they only know how to talk to my pregnancy. If I had a nickle for every "How are you feeling?", "When is your due date?", "I bet you're ready to be done"...I would have college funds and retirement taken care of. I guess everyone thinks they are the first to ask. Or maybe, they think I am excited to talk about the same three questions all day. I am eternally thankful for the few people left in my life that can have normal conversations with me. It really helps me remember that I actually am in here somewhere--not forever gone while cooking a baby.

ANYWAY. Did I mention my patience is virtually gone these days? :)

So. Since my last post, we have had a handful of snows. Some giving us 8 inches or so at once. Tessa got to build a snowman with her daddy on the deck. She LOVED it. In fact, she had to say hi to the snowman each day after building it as it shrunk more and more into a puddle.

The snowman started off normal enough, but when the face and arms needed to be added, Daddy got lazy. He didn't really get the right parts on the snowman. So when he finished, Tessa spent some time staring at the monstrosity before pulling out the eyes and arms and throwing them over the rail of the deck.

Which was fine with me--it kinda creeped me out.

We put up Christmas decorations and lights. The house is festive and fun. Since our cat Diego ran away last summer, we haven't had to limit the ornaments to unbreakable. We also don't have to flush the cat out of the tree every time we come home (he would sleep in the upper branches).

We woke up today to the news saying that the temp in Denver was -18 degrees. Yes, that's 18 BELOW zero. Anthony's car wouldn't start. And since getting into his work place is like trying to get into the oval office, a coworker of his had to meet us at the gate to drive him in. Tessa spent the whole morning on hyper drive about it all. She kept asking Anthony if "Daddy's blue car was broken?".

Well, that's about it! If I don't post before the 25th, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Cute post! I love that she chunked the eyes and arms over the edge. That's hilarious! :) Hope that guy puts you out of your misery soon and that Tessa doesn't wake you up every night along with the little guy! Merry Christmas!