Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Odds and Ends, but Mostly Odds

 The journey of a tooth (or two).....

First you have all:

Then you have minus one:

 Then you have minus two:
 After this, you're pretty much "in" with the tooth fairy.

Did you know that we got over 2 and 1/2 feet of snow?

We also were visited by Bella's unicorn cousin, Beatrice (and her plus one).

We got to go as a family to the Denver Stock Show rodeo. The kids were so excited they could hardly contain themselves.

Who really needs an excuse to wear plaid and cowboy boots?
Tessa has started sounding out messages and leaving them for us to find. This was stuck on her bedroom door the other day. It says "I am in here." Or I aminhere. I think she did a great job at her first attempt to spell aminhere. I mean, it's a hard word.


Hilaria said...

Tony with gray hair??? Really???!!!

Christina said...

That is so cute!!!