Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Bees Knees

I went to a MOPS play date Tuesday morning. It was at Little Monkey Bizness. We (the kids and I) have finally grown into that place. Tessa is still under the age cap of 6 and Jack is finally talented enough with his appendages to really get on/under/through all the equipment. I can go and sit at a table and sip a cup of coffee while reading a book almost peacefully. Or I can chat with the other moms and get in that much needed daily dose of adult conversation.
This particular play date was unique because Tessa and Paul were able to be together. Paul has carried a torch for Tessa since laying eyes on her in the Fall of '09. When MOPS started this last Fall, however, Paul's enthusiasm got the better of him. They regretfully had to separate Paul and Tessa because of too much PDA. Nothing scary or gross, just a lot of hugging and kissing and holding hands, etc. So it has been since last September that Paul has seen Tessa really. It was like 6 months were really one day.

Jack may have found love that day. Like Charlie Brown and the Red Haired Girl.
And what girl can really resist that face?